By Lisa Codispoti
Following the release of the new Census figures last week, there are some sobering numbers dancing in my head that all point to the health care crisis in this country, especially for kids.
8.7 million: the number of kids in this country without health insurance last year, up from 8 million in 2005.
6 million: the number of kids who would otherwise lack health coverage if were it not for the successful State Children’s Health Insurance Program (“SCHIP”)
1.4 million: the estimated number of additional kids who, by 2012, would lose their health insurance under the President’s budget proposal for SCHIP.
5 million: the number of currently uninsured kids who would gain health coverage under SCHIP from $50 billion in new funding over 5 years, as passed by the House of Representatives.
$50 billion: the amount of additional funding the President plans to request for the Iraq war.
14: the number of working days Congress has in September to reach agreement and pass legislation to prevent SCHIP from expiring on September 30.
2: the number of veto threats the President has issued because he doesn’t like either the House or Senate versions of SCHIP reauthorization legislation.
1 minute: the how long it would take to send an email to your member of Congress to urge them to reach a timely agreement and pass legislation reauthorizing a strong SCHIP before it expires at the end of September.