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November 15, 2007



"Hopefully Colorado’s registered voters will read between the lines..."

I doubt that very much, in light of the CSC's decisions.

I mean, the very job of the people on the CSC includes basic knowledge of the topic under consideration. And yet, these people are ignorant enough to find that conferring personhood to 1) several types of tumors, 2) a bunch of totipotent cells, and 3) placentas (yeay, finally one of my favorite body organs gets due process under the law) is a matter of human rights.

Bottom line: We better polish up our propaganda skills, because relying on reality to keep abortion legal is a losing proposition.

Gretchen, NWLC

Thanks for the insightful comment, Caitlain. You're exactly right, and of course that is part of the anti-choice strategy. Luckily NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado and other CO groups are prepared to do the kind of education and outreach that is needed. I met with Toni Panetta, NARAL CO's Deputy Director, earlier this month and if anyone can do it, it is them! Visit their website to learn more about their efforts to stop the ballot initiative and to see their educational materials. http://www.prochoicecolorado.org/


Sadly, the average voter isn't likely to expend the effort to try to understand what is going on behind this. At least, not without substantial public education and outreach to put it all out there. I hope someone is able to do that In Colorado.

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