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May 30, 2008


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ah-I think I've got it. Please drop me a line and let me know if there are other topics you think we should be covering on womenstake.org. Hope the weather's fine where you are. [email protected]

Guess Who

Tsk Tsk..Good commentary by the way, I read the rest of your articles. You have very salient points. Arrrgh..I am devasted I did not make a sound impression. Greensboro NC, I believe you were visiting a friend at our apartment who attended a nearby HBCU? I am trying to discreetly avoid divulging any unnecessary information to 150 million internet users..lol..oh well if it does not jog the old memory c'est la vie..!


Thanks so much for your kind words "Guess Who," but I am drawing a blank!

Guess Who

Hello Ms. Morrison, excellent commentary. I see the years have not diminished your fire or elocution. Just reading some academic articles and was suprised to see a name I recognized. Greensboro, roomate, "middle name" references, card games,..lol.
Glad too see you have risen though the ranks of your chosen field. I am suitably impressed.

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