by Darsana Srinivasan, Fellow
National Women’s Law Center
So many people can be so wrong. The Colorado ballot initiative we mentioned awhile back has received more than 100,000 valid signatures. This means that Colorado voters will face a state constitutional amendment that would grant personhood to fertilized human eggs at the November election. Aside from calling into question legal abortion (the real focus of this absurd measure), passing this amendment would also confuse the legality of contraception, the use of assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization, and just about anything that could interfere with sanctity of a fertilized egg. This egg amendment is a rotten idea and doesn’t deserve the vote of a single Coloradan.
"Fertilized egg" is an oxymoron. What we're alking about is personhood for zygotes, not eggs, which is supported by secular scientific fact, despite your ad consequentiam arguments.
Posted by: Nulono | December 25, 2008 at 10:42 PM